Partnerships for a better world
Söderberg & Partners has several collaborations with organizations that work in different ways to make the world a better place. We have chosen to direct our commitment to organizations that work with climate issues or help children and young people in various ways. Below you can read more about the organizations we support.

Save the Children
Save the Children is a global children’s rights organisation fighting for children’s right to survival, protection and development in a safe environment. They are politically and religiously independent, with the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child as base for all their work.
Söderberg & Partners have worked with Save the Children for many years, and we’ve donated 5 million Swedish Krona to their work in refugee camps in Syria. Right now we are supporting their work with youth and mental health. Save the Children’s Centre for support and treatment, focus on children and youth who’ve experienced trauma and haven’t received the necessary treatment. The centre offers psychological treatment to children and youth, as well as a helpline to the general public and consultation to other professionals who in some capacity work with children. We also have an ongoing collaboration with Save the Children regarding our fund ‘Aktiv Påverkan’ and its work to combat child labour.
Read more on Save the Children’s website
Våra barns klimat
Våra barns klimat is a climate organisation that unites parents and other adults together in an effort to affect climate policy, by highlighting the children’s perspective. Their vision is a society where all children are guaranteed a good life on a healthy planet.
Våra barns klimat want all political parties to prioritise climate change, make it easier for citizens to live a climate friendly life and make Sweden a leading country in the climate area. By signing their appeal for a policy that’s in line with the climate goals, voter pressure is created which gives the politicians courage and determination on the issue.
Våra barns klimat is financed through contributions from the public, project support and a donation from us at Söderberg & Partners. Our donation helps them continue their work for a better climate for our children. The donation is used to help them further their efforts in making sure that Sweden’s climate policy is in line with what science demands, and to engage more parents in the climate transition.
Read more on Våra barns klimat’s website
Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund
Every day a child is affected by cancer. But there is hope. Today, more children than ever are surviving their cancer. The Children’s Cancer Fund strives to eradicate childhood cancer and ensure that affected children and families receive the care and support they need.
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is the largest financer of childhood cancer research in Sweden. Thanks to advances in research, 85% of all children now survive their cancer diagnosis. Despite this, cancer is the most common cause of death for children between the ages 1 and 14 in Sweden. Therefore, the fight against childhood cancer must continue.
Research, Information, Advice & Support are The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund’s most important purposes. The organisation is financed by generous donations from the public and companies. Söderberg & Partners is proud to contribute by being a Child Supporter Company.
Read more on The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund’s website
Barn till ensamma mammor
In Sweden, there are about 145 000 children living in a family where they can’t afford the most necessary living expenses. With poverty comes vulnerability. The tough financial situation affects the children’s and the mothers’ living standards within many areas such as education, health, free time, culture and competence. This means that stress, mental illness, despair, fatigue and the struggle for survival characterises the families’ everyday life.
In addition to this, poverty also leads to social exclusion. The children become experts at hiding their struggles, both at school and among friends, since they are embarrassed about their situation. The children wish that they could do everything that their friends can.
Barn till ensamma mammor want to create a long-term social change by creating hope and strengthening individuals early through the organisation’s gatherings and activities. The children are offered an opportunity to participate, get a breather in everyday life and the chance to play and laugh. The organisation tries to fill the children’s weekends and holidays with joyful experiences. The mothers are supported through educational efforts to help improve the home environment for the children as well. Barn till ensamma mammor is a part of Fryshuset.
Söderberg & Partners support Barn till ensamma mammor in different ways. Our favourite activity is a big Christmas party held in December. The purpose is to give the children a fun an unforgettable day. The day is appreciated by the children, Barn till ensamma mammor and employees at Söderberg & Partners who volunteer on the day.
Read more on Barn till ensamma mammor’s website.
Happy Child Foundation
The Happy Child Foundation supports the orphanage, Happy Child Home in Muang Mai, in their efforts to give the children there a safe upbringing with loving staff, access to healthy food, the opportunity for education and access to medical care when they get sick.
Happy Child Home is located on the island of Phuket in Thailand and is run by Susanne Janson, Hans Forssell and Khun Wow, together with the other staff. The first meeting and the start of the collaboration took place when Susanne and Hans were looking for their family after the Tsunami. Unfortunately, Susanne and Hans had to return to Sweden without their family members, but in the midst of the tragedy, they found a silver lining and hope for the future. Susanne and Hans heard about a newly opened orphanage and immediately saw an opportunity to make a difference. They contacted the orphanage in the beginning of March 2005 and returned to Thailand indefinitely. That was the start of the Happy Child Foundation, which works to support the Happy Child Home in Muang Mai. Today, Susanne and Hans are in charge of the daily operations.
Today, Happy Child Home has a capacity for about 35 children. The orphanage is run entirely on donations from the public and companies, which means that all support or donations are vital to the orphanage’s continued operations. The orphanage’s most important task is to teach the children to help themselves. This is a prerequisite for them to leave the orphanage as strong, independent individuals, ready to face the world. The very best way to help yourself to a better future is through a good education. At Happy Child Home, a lot of focus is therefore placed on studies and homework, and of course giving all children love, love and more love.
Everyone who works with the Happy Child Foundation does it entirely on a non-profit basis, which means that they only have administrative costs of about 3% and the rest of the donated funds go directly to the children at the orphanage.
You can follow their work on Facebook or Instagram.
Read more on Happy Child’s website
FTS Säkra Varje Unge
The foundation FTS Säkra Varje Unge is a non-profit organisation with the aim of preventing sexual abuse and grooming of children through preventive work and free education for all adults, children and youth in Sweden. The foundation is politically and religiously independent and based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Pedophile. Incest. Most people don’t want to think about what those words mean. Let alone talk about it. We are working against a crime that makes most feel very uncomfortable. But a crime like this doesn’t go away just because we don’t talk about it.
According to the Council of Europe (2014), one in five children is exposed to sexual abuse in Sweden. From that, it can be concluded that there are more than 5 million relatives to children who are harmed by sexual abuse, if we assume that every exposed child has approximately five relatives. It also means that all teachers in our schools, both pre-school, primary and secondary school, work daily with children and youth who need brave and smart adults around them. Preventive work against sexual exploitation of children is therefore very important.
The foundation FTS Säkra Varje Unge provides schools with free seminars, lectures and educational materials. The goal is to increase the information of those who work with children or in some way come into contact with children, which is believed to lead to increased understanding and preparedness for action. Söderberg & Partners donate money to the foundation’s important work.
Read more on FTS Säkra Varje Unge’s website
We & Sports
We & Sports work with preventive, supportive and treatment interventions in mental health for children and youth between the ages of 6 and 25. Using various methods, they strengthen the mental health of children and youth and equip them for life’s ups and downs. The preventive methods are based on global and national research and proven experience.
For three years, We & Sports has trained roughly 7 000 children, youths, parents, coaches and leaders in sports, with good results. Parents, coaches and leaders across the country have gained important knowledge that can be used to support children and youth. Söderberg & Partners see preventive efforts as an important step in creating a safer and more sustainable future for our children and youth. We therefore support We & Sports by donating money to their important activities.
Read more on We & Sports’ website